Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Catastrophy of the highest order..part seven

"Welcome to South Carolina" the sign says. It also states how it's the 'palmetto state'. "Too bad palmetto's aren't edible" you think to yourself. You are a bit hungry. You had planned on asking the store owner for some food to take with you on your trip home but whoever did the owner in took care of that idea. Having food available has never seemed to be a problem before. Not in this country anyway. There has always been a place to grab something to eat. All you had to do was pull in a place, exchange some currency for some substanance and be on your way. The proprieters were always happy to see you and provide you with this very basic necessity. " I guess you never miss the water till the well runs dry" you think. Then you think about water. As you keep thinking you think that it might bode you well not to think to damn much and concentrate on gettin home.
You see a wide spot on the side of the road up ahead and pull over to check out your cabinets. Not that there were gonna be anyone speeding past you but you don't think about that. Better safe than sorry. You know that you had some cans of stuff put away but you couldn't remember exactly what they were. You find a half full (or could it be half empty now) 32 oz water bottle from a few days ago. A small can of diced peaches with a pop-top catches your eye so you pop the top and swallow the whole can down in two gulps. You take the cap off the water bottle and turn it up to kill it but you catch yourself about halfway through. "Better conserve it" you think "Not sure where the next bit of water might be coming from". So you cap it off and place it beside your seat. You now think about how you need to protect it. You wonder how something so simple as a bottle of water now has gotten all of your attention. You suddenly realize that the water bottle and the small amount of what it holds is probably worth way more than money right now. How strange it is that your values can change so quickly. You are thinking your way into a frenzy but it's problems that will quickly be needing to be addressed. You just need some time to think is all.
Before you take off you grab a stick off of the side of the road and stick it down in the tank to take a measure of the fuel level. The bypassing of the E.C.M. has left all the guages, lights and warning buzzers unworking and that included the fuel gauge. The stick comes back with about 12 inches of the bottom of it wet. Plenty of fuel to get on home and then some. With both of the tanks registering that much you should have at least 60 gallons and that should take you around 350-400 more miles.
You check the map and you see that there will be some populated places that you will be traveling through. You think about the way those people at the grocery store looked at you and the folks in the wagon. You are still glad that you have decided to bring along the trailer. A larger vehicle is more intimidating than just a bobtail. It also helps with the stability and the weight. You are thinking that if you have to ram your way through a road block or run a barrage of bullets, the trailer will protect your head and also add to the momentum to push you through and past obstacles. If you can speed through the bigger towns and cities quickly and in a big ass hurry you will have taken them totally by surprise. Seeing how there is no fuel available the chances of someone chasing you and burning all of theirs up would be slim to none.
So, this is your plan of attack then. Hit the towns hard and fast and get on by. No one needs to know where your going, where you have been or what you are hauling and you don't plan on stopping from here on in. Home is now only three hours away if you push it and you can't wait to get there.
With a determind look on your face and a little bit of an attitude, you release the brakes and commence to lay that hammer down.

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